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Past courses: Symbolic Logic, Game Theory, Number Theory, Senior Seminar, Mathematical Logic (grad), Discrete Math, Finite Math, Calculus I & II, Math Foundations, Graph Theory, Applied Combinatorics (grad), Intermediate Algebra, Statistical Methods


Fall 2018

Symbolic Logic is a quantitative reasoning course that works to approach mathematics through philosophy instead of numbers. Students will learn how to analyze proofs and logical arguments using a kind of “algebra” of words. A visitor once described the course by saying it was as if the students had all learned an entirely new language. Why learn this language? Students report that studying logic affects how they think about the world, process arguments, and critically analyze people’s claims. It also makes them more creative problem solvers.


Spring 2019

Game theory is the study of strategies in any system that has a set of “rules” and a set of “players.” These games could be traditional two-player pen-and-paper games or casino games, but they could also be strategies from economics, politics, business, social psychology, philosophy, anthropology, or evolutionary biology. In this course, we study the interdisciplinary applications of game theory, while actually getting to play relevant games every class!

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